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Tiger Piezo DAC Card

ASIs Tiger Piezo DAC card enables the tiger system to control two piezo controller via two 0-10V signals. The Tiger system can support multiple Piezo DAC cards, these card can then be controlled thru RS-232 serial commands or thru Knobs.

This card has been supplanted by the TGGALVO / TGDAC4 card for tiger.


NOTE: The equivalent of this on MS2000/WizKid systems is the single 0-10V analog output available with “PZ” firmware. The PZ firmware differs from ASI's normal “Z” or “ADEPT” firmware in that it does not directly control a motor or piezo stack, but instead provides an analog voltage for a thrid-party piezo driver. The expected piezo range is set per normal using the CCA X command, like in ADEPT builds.

Electrical Characteristics

  • Voltage Range: 0-10Volts
  • Output Current: 50mA / -80mA
Address: 29391 W Enid Rd. Eugene, OR 97402, USA | Phone: +1 (541) 461-8181
tiger_piezo_dac.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/20 16:55 by chrisd